Sunday, September 28, 2008

Come on, YOU can do it!

I'm following this video
5x a week
I'LL BE READY FOR THE CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but will you?

Friday, September 26, 2008


Summer 2006

This is the  Before picture...

She is called "the Home Wecker"
BEWARE men & women....

Summer 2008
After picture:

this picture was NOT photoshop!! 
She's right up there with the best of them
Angelina Jolie got NOTHING on hER!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Say goodbye

to summer, but at least we did it the right way..

we're off on our last trip to the OC
where we sit down to our last seafood feast of the year

then of course we go to

do i really have to explain myself?

seyha & i HAD to do it
y'all know we don't have any BIG PECKER'S within a 150 miles of us

but fall is here!!!

and we all know what that means!!
its beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS...ok so not really but it does bring Christmas closer!
sweaters, coats, boots, hats, gloves...ect.
apple cider, hot coco, haunted houses, bond fires, hay rides, pumpkin patches, shutty costumes (some of us wear them year round), turkeys, eggnog, & CHESTNUTS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE!!!!

I MEAN come on people!!! i like going to the beach and all....but i LOVE the last few months of the year! *sighs*
so look out for a christmas list coming to a blog near you *ahem*

Sunday, September 21, 2008


You can always count on him to entertain us with the best sex stories...
and even some late night "show & tell"

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

OC - 09.14.08

I gotta say this has probably been one of the best times at OC this summer!!! It was so relaxing.. No crowds! Except it was bike week! Lots of roars! And we saw dolphins! Atlantic Bottle Nose Dolphins!!! The crabs at waterman's was PERFECT!!!! It made a great finishing at the end.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Look at what a few bucks can do

While I was up in NYC
i found myself getting all 'syted about Times Square
and managed to get a few pictures done...

here's what $10 bucks can get you:

what $15 will get you:

what a few drinks will get you:

what good taste will get you:

^BTW I picked this jacket out^

The breakfast for 2

Just wanted to show you how we gets down...
as if you didn't know...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

this is what i do with my free time

You didn't know i could move like this huh??

HalfTime Basketball Creighton University Omaha Neb - Watch more free videos

SEAcret LoVeRrrrS

Technically it's not a secret.. WE LOVE THE BEACH!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who's doin who

angela: as pussy woman

seyha: as the home wrecker

Linh: as the naughty nurse

Mata: as harry potter's "study partner"

Jae: as seng's worse nightmare

Dinner Time

What's on your table top?

and of course dessert